Here is a link to my SoundCloud page. I've uploaded a recording of an original trombone quartet I wrote in the spring of 2013 for a competition at the WAM art museum in Minneapolis. It was a lot of fun and I hope to do more composing and arranging as my time and skill allow!
I've also composed some works for Brass Quintet, specifically for the Metro Brass Quintet. I titled them Kling-on Music since they are based on the paintings by Bob Kling, and also because I'm at least part-nerd. You can check out those recordings below. Revisions to come later in 2016.
I've also composed some works for Brass Quintet, specifically for the Metro Brass Quintet. I titled them Kling-on Music since they are based on the paintings by Bob Kling, and also because I'm at least part-nerd. You can check out those recordings below. Revisions to come later in 2016.
Below is a selection of recordings that more or less feature me! If you have any questions or comments about them, feel free to contact me!
Plymouth Easter Recording
Metro Brass Quintet
The three videos below are all part of my original works completed in April 2015, Kling-on Music.
1. Captain of the Port
2. Venice Canal
3. Launch at the Classic
1. Captain of the Port
2. Venice Canal
3. Launch at the Classic
Solo Button Accordion
Adam Meckler Orchestra
This is a recording of a live show at the Artist's Quarter in St. Paul, Minnesota. You can hear me prominently on the low notes and on the sections coming out of the solos. It was awesome to play with such a hot group!
Sang Till LottaThis is a large section of the solo Sang Till Lotta by Jan Sandström I performed at a good friend's wedding.
Unaccompanied Suite for Bass Trombone - GallopThis is the final movement of Eric Culver's Suite for Unaccompanied Bass Trombone. I performed it at my master's recital in February of 2013.
Earle of Oxford's March
This is a sample of the Earle of Oxford's March as played by the Compass Rose Brass Ensemble based in Minneapolis.
Less Talk More Polka
This is the Nebraska Polka as played by the Less Talk More Polka Band based out of Lincoln, Nebraska. I started the band in 2007 and am happy to say that they are still going strong under the able direction of Molly Boyd. Who know polka music would do so well in Nebraska?
This is another clip of the Less Talk More Polka Band, this time featuring a March Medley that includes: Where's My Little Dog Gone - Under the Double Eagle - Jolly Coppersmith. This was nearly too much fun to play (We had the cops pay us a friendly visit for the noise!)