I'm extremely proud to announce that Thomas and Harvey were born on 11/7/2021 and are doing well. It was quite a surprise since they showed up 5 days early but I guess they wanted to make their debut.
It's probably going to be slow musically for me for a bit since I've got to be a father first. I will say, waxing philosophical, that life experiences are extremely important to gain the context and perspective to perform. Once you've endured a full time job with children and a mortgage and a few natural disasters, what happens on stage seems a lot less consequential and perilous. My goal has always been to give it my all, but with time I've seen that over-thinking it and over analyzing each moment and note is actually counter productive (at least in my opinion).
Music at its core is about expression and not about technical perfection. It's awfully helpful to be technically proficient since it allows you to fully express yourself, but it is ultimately the tool and not the message. I'm so fortunate to have been exposed to many schools of thought and to perform as much as I have. I hope in my heart of hearts that I can do the same for my children so they can lead a deep, fulfilling life.
That's enough waxing - cheers!
It's probably going to be slow musically for me for a bit since I've got to be a father first. I will say, waxing philosophical, that life experiences are extremely important to gain the context and perspective to perform. Once you've endured a full time job with children and a mortgage and a few natural disasters, what happens on stage seems a lot less consequential and perilous. My goal has always been to give it my all, but with time I've seen that over-thinking it and over analyzing each moment and note is actually counter productive (at least in my opinion).
Music at its core is about expression and not about technical perfection. It's awfully helpful to be technically proficient since it allows you to fully express yourself, but it is ultimately the tool and not the message. I'm so fortunate to have been exposed to many schools of thought and to perform as much as I have. I hope in my heart of hearts that I can do the same for my children so they can lead a deep, fulfilling life.
That's enough waxing - cheers!